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Our Findings

There are 977 children aged 0-2 living in Boyle County. We estimate childcare centers have a capacity of 202 full-time infants and toddlers, which classifies our community as a “childcare desert” (less than 1 slot per 3 children). 68% of children are served at facilities rated as 1- or 2-stars (low quality) on the Kentucky All STARS quality rating system. The median price for full-time infant care in Boyle County is $22/day, below the median prices in rural ($25) and urban ($30) areas in central Kentucky. 195 kids (ages 0-4 combined) of working families with income below 165% of the poverty line receive the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) subsidy of up to $28/day. An estimated 150 infants and toddlers would be eligible for Early Head Start, a federally-funded program, yet Boyle County has no Early Head Start.


There are 663 children aged 3-4 living in Boyle County. We estimate 316 full-time kids could be served by current providers; 73% at low quality facilities. The median price in Boyle County is $20.50/day, below the median price in rural ($23) and urban ($27) areas in Kentucky. CCAP reimburses this care at a maximum of $25/day. Boyle’s Head Start is a high-quality, federally funded program offered at no cost to families below the poverty line. Boyle County has 20 Head Start slots located in Harrodsburg’s center, yet likely over 100 children qualify.


There are several high-quality, part-day options. 3-and 4-year-olds with disabilities and 4-year-olds living in families below 160% of the poverty line can attend preschool at no cost. Boyle County also admits students who pay tuition. In 2018, 227 children attended preschool at Danville Independent and Boyle County Schools.  Wilderness Trace Child Development Center has a high-quality, part-time program for children aged 2-5 that provides educational and therapeutic services for 52 children with and without disabilities


For families who provide care in their home, there are three no-cost services focused on enriching child development. HANDS is a weekly home visitation program provided by the local health department. They enroll families before or just after a baby is born and provide one-on-one support and resources. Cradle School is run by Families First in Danville Independent Schools. It consists of on-site and home visit sessions to teach parents activities to improve kindergarten readiness. The Gladys Project is an early-intervention literacy program that provides individualized weekly sessions with parents on how to develop their children’s pre-literacy skills. 


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